Some architects dream of building lofty skyscrapers or attention-grabbing homes for the rich and famous.
Not Margi Glavovic Nothard. The Fort Lauderdale-based design director has built a thriving architectural firm by instead applying her considerable design chops to a heretofore unglamorous field of development: Low-income housing.
Her Glavovic Studio does it with style, bringing to affordable housing the kind of design flair that wins accolades from architecture critics. There’s no cookie-cutter in the firm’s portfolio, just one-of-a-kind designs, contemporary in look and function, that Nothard says aim to do all the responsible things high-end architecture should aspire to — adapt to the environment, to the surroundings, to the community — while keeping costs down.
“The architecture itself has to be elevated, “Nothard said. “Every building should be like that, not just those for rich people. If you can do something great and beautiful for people who maybe don’t make a lot of money, it can uplift all of us.”
To read the Miami Herald article go to https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article289499564.html
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